Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

By registering, you accept the following terms of use. Your registration creates a contractual relationship between you and the Access to Insurance Initiative, which enables you to use the connecta2ii learning and exchange members area. This contract grants you membership and usage rights of the connecta2ii platform that cannot be transferred to another person.

1. Subject of the contract
The subject of the contract is the access to and the use of the learning and exchange members area of a2ii.org, connect.a2ii.
Connecta2ii is a learning and exchange members-only area of a2ii.org operated by the Secretariat of the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) the implementation arm of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors hosted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Access to its content is only possible for registered persons.
This members area offers A2ii supervisory capacity-building resources and exchange possibilities between the registered persons or between the registered persons and the A2ii administrators.

2. Context
Connect.a2ii (hereinafter referred to as connect) is implemented by the Secretariat of the Access to Insurance Initiative, the implementation arm of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, hosted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). It provides digital learning content for insurance supervisors globally, learning resources and possibilities of exchange. It is a members-only area of the a2ii.org public website developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to enable knowledge exchange and transition to virtual learning. 

3. Target groups
Connect is intended for insurance supervisors.

4. Costs
Resources on Connect are provided free of charge.

5. Technical specifications
The system environment consists of a database in which courses, user data, the program code and uploaded files are stored. Access to these backend systems is exclusively granted to the system administrators of Connect. 

6. Access / registration
Approval of registration by A2ii is mandatory before being able to access Connect. To register, users need to provide their first and last name, e-mail address (that can be set as invisible for other users of Connect), country, organisation and position. Users can, in place of first and last name also use aliases. When using aliases, users should note that certain offers on the platform, such as certificates, are invalid. The self-registration can only be completed by confirming the e-mail address in an e-mail sent by the platform to the e-mail address specified by the user. This e-mail contains an activation link. By clicking on the link, the user account is activated and a password must be entered and confirmed. The consent to the Terms of Use is necessary for the completion of the registration and is also stored. Most courses are only accessible to registered users of Connect. Some courses are made available for non-registered users. By registering and accepting the corresponding checkbox, these Terms of Use are accepted. Accounts without confirmation will be deleted.

There are different types of course formats available on Connect. Access to the different course types on this platform may be based on additional roles and rights for these courses. The course types are:

a) Public courses
For public courses, registration to Connect is not necessary. Users who take a public course will not have their results or progress stored or receive a certificate/badge of completion. These courses are typically self-paced and not guided by a trainer.

b) Closed courses
For closed courses, a prior invitation may be necessary. The team admins either enrol the students upon a request to join the course. For closed courses, it is necessary to use correct full names. Closed courses are typically a combination of self-paced and instructor-led formats, have a maximum number of participants, and are scheduled for a specific time period. They may require prior knowledge or completion of particular modules. 

7. Use of the Information and Privacy
Access to Connect member area is only possible for registered users. Registration is approved by A2ii admins. Data within courses is only visible to enrolled students, trainers and A2ii admins. Personal data is not shared with third parties.

a) Personal data within the user profile
Upon successful registration, users choose their username and password. It is also necessary to provide first and last name, a valid e-mail address, country, organisation and the position. However, first and name can be chosen freely. Participation with a pseudonym is possible.

For some closed courses, real names are mandatory (see item 6. b). It is possible to edit the first name and last name of an existing account to allow participation. After changing the name, the new name will be displayed in all courses within Connect and the user profile. 

As soon as users start the registration process, all data provided or generated under the registration process is processed. Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual (contrary to legal entities). Different pieces of information, which collected together can lead to the identification of a particular person, also constitute personal data. All personal data fall under the strict provisions of the German Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (GS-GVO), the German Bundesdatenschutzgesetzt (BDSG) and all other generally applicable regulations and legislation. These provisions provide a strict framework for storing and processing personal data and preventing misuse, including unauthorised access, unauthorised transfer of data to third parties or any other unauthorised processing.

In order to register for Connect a2ii member area and to make the best use of the platform and its services, the following personal data is required:

First and last name
Personalised form of addressing users as well as issuing personalised certificates

E-mail address
Contact and notifications (e.g. confirmation of registration, course progress, reminders)

Customised offering depending on the country

For targeted offering based on the profile and the mandate of the organisation

For targeted offering depending on experience and seniority levels 

b) Other personal data 
All actions undertaken while using the platform will be stored in a way that allows tracing back which account contributed the posts or answers or undertook certain actions. This information can be related to a real person if the real name is provided in the user profile. Furthermore, log data will be stored. These include the IP number of the computer, which was used to contribute posts, answers or undertake other actions as well as the username and the time when the action was undertaken. In order to adapt the course offerings to the users, the registration data will also be analysed in an anonymised form.

c) Visibility of personal data
After registration, users can revise their profile at any time and edit the data provided during the registration. Registered users can also use a profile picture for their profile, which is visible to other users. In the user settings form, e-mail addresses can be made invisible to other users of the Connect member area. The first and last name and profile picture fields of the user are visible to other users on the platform. Other personal data provided can only be viewed by administrators. Users can only access their own profile. Users can post comments in course-specific forums and send private messages to other users, trainers and administrators. It is possible to draw conclusions about the real person in that case. All posts published by users in course forums are saved in such a way that the authoring users can be traced back. The contributions can be viewed by other users who also attend the course, trainers and administrators. Administrators can edit or delete every posting at any time, e.g. if students violate the terms of use. Every posting contains the (freely chosen) registered name of the author. All entries made by users in forums remain available even after the end of the contract between this user and GIZ GmbH, given that these are not deleted before given the reasons mentioned above.
Users can connect to other users pending connection approval. Any social wall posts are visible to connections and administrators. 

d) Reports, Log Data and its security 
Log data for the last 12 months is visible to the administrators. Administrators do have access to the database to trace back which user contributed certain posts or undertook certain actions in case of improper use or use of abusive language. Other participants do not have access to the data. These data cannot be seen by the other participants or team admins.
On the basis of log data several reports are computed that are visible for team admins in the corresponding course.

e) Detailed description of roles and rights
Administrators own all rights on the website in all courses. Only members of the A2ii team and the service provider of the technical infrastructure may obtain this role. They have rights to view and access to all user data on the site.

These users can create and edit courses as well as enrol team members into those courses. Team administrators can create, edit, move and delete courses. They can enter and edit all courses in their category. 

The member role is assigned to all users after registration. Team admins can decide, whether users can register to a course. Members can read and download within a course, they can post in forums and activities if specified by the team admin or trainer, send private messages to other users and post on their social wall.

f) Reports
Administrators can monitor the learning progress by extracting standard reports. The standard reports provide the following information:

Course activity
General information on how often which activities were undertaken and which contents were viewed.

Individual activity
For a given material or activity, e.g. a forum, team admins can see which members accessed it and how often they used it and for how long. They can also review assessments.

8. Course content and responsibility
It is prohibited to disclose, share or sell any personal data of other users to third parties without explicit prior consent of the user.

By agreeing to this contract, users consent to keep the personal data of other users confidential. Users also consent to follow all legal provisions and especially the regulations for data protection.

A2ii reserves the right to terminate, cancel or postpone a course at any time as well as  to modify the course format and content. Additionally, A2ii reserves the right to terminate the memberships and all services provided within the member area Connect given prior notification to the users of the platform.

All content and resources within the member-area Connect may only be used for capacity-building, networking and knowledge-sharing purposes without any commercial, private, religious or political use. 

It is prohibited to post any content, files or data that violate legislations. This particularly applies to racist, violence-promoting, abusive and pornographic content or any other content that violates existing legislations. If users post links to external websites, it is their responsibility to check that the content on the external website does not violate this provision.

The use of the platform for the provision or exchange of copyrighted content, such as images, audio or video material, is prohibited. Furthermore, any links to external websites with illegal content are prohibited. In principle, any use of published material protected by copyright requires the permission of the respective copyright holder. If a user disregards the rights of third parties within the scope of the use of the Connect member area, they must fulfil the injunctive relief or claims for damages asserted by these third parties.

Any user who uploads, transfers or otherwise uses third party materials or materials on Connect ensures that such material is either free of rights of third parties or that the use is approved accordingly or otherwise permissible. 

As a service provider, the A2ii hosted by GIZ is responsible for its own information according to §§ 7, Abs.1 und 2 TMG, which it makes available for use. According to §§ 8 TMG, there is no responsibility for the information provided by users or for the content provided by trainers to which reference is made via hyperlinks.

Users undertake to be liable for damages caused by them, indemnify A2ii and GIZ against all claims arising from the infringement of the rights of third parties and reimburse A2ii and GIZ for all costs incurred in this context for legal defense measures or due to sanctions imposed by state authorities.

As soon as users culpably breach legal obligations and provisions enshrined in laws or in these terms of use, they shall be liable in accordance with the generally applicable statutory provisions.

A2ii and GIZ reserve the right to exclude users from access to the Connect member area in the event of serious violations of the terms of use stated here. In this case, the contract with users will be terminated and they will not be able to conclude a new contract for a period of 5 years.

9. Update of terms & conditions
The users will be informed about updates of the terms and conditions via a notification within Connect member area.

10. Deletion of accounts and data
Users can terminate their access to the Connect member area at any time by sending a deletion request to the A2ii administrator or deleting their profile via the profile page. Upon account deletion, the contract with A2ii also terminates. Furthermore, after 13 months of inactivity, users will be sent a notification. If the users remain inactive for an additional period of 6 months after the first notification, the account and the contract will be terminated. By ending the contractual relationship, the account of the user will be deleted and the user cannot access the Connect member area anymore. As a consequence, courses that the user has started but not yet completed will not be available to the user anymore.

I have read the terms and conditions. By clicking yes, I agree to the terms and conditions and request A2ii to create a user account for the Connect member area.

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