last update on: 10/02/2023

A gender-neutral approach to insurance, though well intended, creates a disproportionate impact on women and unintentionally leaves them behind because we are not considering some of the specific needs of women. 

In this module, we will

  • consider the unique context of women and their risk-mitigation needs
  • examine some of the myths and biases that can get in the way of really considering the women’s market and
  • provide you with an understanding of how you can apply a gender lens to regulatory and supervisory work.

We hope you enjoy your learning experience!

This module is a product of the project 'Empowering supervisors to improve women's access to insurance'  supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Read more about this funding partnership here. 

A2ii would like to thank Rachel Field and  Shilpi Shastri, the authors and A2ii consultants, for enriching our capacity-building offer with this training.