last update on: 10/02/2023

Regulatory and supervisory approaches have the potential to facilitate women’s access to insurance to improve their financial resilience and advance gender equality.  This requires a proactive, intentional approach that begins with assessing regulatory and supervisory practices through a gender lens, reviewing the internal representation and mobility of women, and examining workplace policies and practices that may exclude women. 

You will take this module in 2 parts:

  • In part 1, you’ll learn how to complete the rapid assessment.
  • Then in part 2, you’ll learn how to interpret your results. 

Finally, based on those results, you’ll determine one or two next steps to take. 

This module is a product of the project 'Empowering supervisors to improve women's access to insurance'  supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Read more about this funding partnership here. 

A2ii would like to thank Shilpi Shastri and  Rachel Field, the authors and A2ii consultants, for enriching our capacity-building offer with this training.